Tuesday 14 May 2013


I met my customer today, Mr. Junior A. What I can describe him is - Short, bald but handsome and love hardcore sex. You must be wondering why do I want to make a post about him. Actually he is someone to me. Not just a customer that wanted sex and give money. During sex with him, I can feel he is there, the love, the feeling.. Well I know one of the Call girl's rule is NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH CUSTOMER. Yeah it's true, but he is a special case. But by the way, I don't fall with someone so easily. So nothing to worry about actually. But one thing I'm sure is, I'm going to miss him. A lot.

I love how he kissed me and the way he touch my face, body... Making love and lusty emotion is in the air. I like the way he whispered to my ear " ..You are beautiful dear.." while on top of me. Among all the sex with my customers, he is the only guy who really satisfied me. (Well, we have a non- stop sex from 1:30 p.m until 7:30 p.m . 6 rounds I guess.) 

But of course the long hour service was not about sex only. We had a chit chat and then sex again. We went out to have lunch together and then back to his house and had sex again. We shared a lot of personal story. He shared his, I shared mine. Of course he asked me to stop doing call girl stuff and told me that money is not going to follow me till death anyway. Well his advice were true but bullshit, you're the one who fucking me right now and you're going to pay me anyway.

Lana Del Rey
From the beginning hours of my service, he kept repeating the same thing: "You're beautiful... You're beautiful... You're beautiful..." To be truth, my beauty is simple. Not beautiful as Lana Del Rey, or have a sexy body figure as Marilyn Monroe. I know that  every woman like when man praised their beauty. But beauty are not forever, it will fade one day anyway. And for me, a woman is worthy to call beautiful by their inner beauty. That's what call BEAUTIFUL WOMAN for me.

Marilyn Monroe
Before I met this customer, he told me that he want to make love with me with full of emotion, not just for for lusty feeling or he is horny. He told me he want to show me some respect. He said he is not sure that he will going to pay me or not. To be the truth, when I met a customer treat me that way, I will reject them straight away. But he gave me a  weird feeling. The feeling that I missed long ago. He had the power to make me remember my black past. He gave me the feeling that I always searching for. So I don't mind to give him a free FUCK. 

At the end of service hour, he asked me :" Are yo sure you want me to pay you?" I rejected his payment. Weird right? But he insisted to pay back my taxi fees. While waiting him to send me home, sitting on a bench while reading my Wechat messages, suddenly he approached me with a small black box on his hand. He said to me:" I know it is ridiculous for you, but I hope you will accept it with all your heart. This is a keychain that I bought from Thailand and this red one, I got it from my friend. It's not easy to get it you know. I gave it to you so when you see it, you will remember me." I smiled. He made me smiled. A smiled that hard to explain. I just said to him:" Thank you." He have that gentle but childish way to hook up with a woman. And I love it. Simple but sincere. That what I need in a man.

 Two simple gifts from him. SIMPLE BUT SINCERE :)

P.S He also gave me his favourite sweater. He told me:" Just in case if you are feeling cold, this might help you." But  I forgot to bring it home, left it in his room. Nevermind, I'll get it back in our second meet.And yeahh another thing, he always remind me to keep in touch, don't change contact number and hoping to meet me again. Aww.. he miss me.

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