Sunday 12 May 2013

Concrete Wall by Zee Avi

Concrete wall by Zee Avi                                                   Me White Coffee.. Me favorita~

"What is this all about, settle down please don't yell or shout..." .. song title concrete wall by Zee Avi, which is one of my favorite singer. What I know about Zee Avi that she is a Malaysian but became famous in USA. Is that true? I'm not sure. Whatever it is, I just love her songs. Soft , cool but sarcastic at the same time. I can feel the anger in her song.  This song really remind me about one of my ex, Nicholson. A guy with his mind full of ego and aggressive too. But still not sure what is the actual reason that made me fell in love with him.When he get mad at me, he will raise his voice. And when I try to make him happy , he thinks that so annoying. 

"..Everytime I make you smile, you said that I'm being a child, well I try my best.." - the lyrics that obviously describe between me and Nicholson.

Sitting in front of my Toshiba laptop and blogging. White Coffee which my loyalty partner all the time during blogging , revision, drawing.. I just love coffee. Owh yeah... and food too. Just love them!

I have a lot of offers this month. Guess this is a lucky month for me huh. There are two customer need my service. So i'm going to meet them next Wednesday in hotel of course. First customer willing to pay RM300 for 3 hours and the second only RM150. So i got RM450 in one day. But the problem is i have a love bite on my breast. Thanks to my ex who made it. I know you feel confuse right now. I met my ex today and had sex with him - that is the whole summary of 2 days meet up,

Nothing to update today actually.Just rest at home, waiting for the day to meet customer, then get paid.

P.S. I saw a couple was having their weeding outdoor shooting beside the road today. Lovely couple huh.. May God bless both of  you.

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