Friday 10 May 2013

A little bit about kindness.

Three little beggars .(Just for illustration display only)

Today when i was waiting for my friend  in a restaurant, 3 beggars approached me. All are kids.I guess they are siblings - 2 sisters and 1 brother. The older sister was carrying her little brother and her other little sister followed her from behind. They came to me and asked for money. I ignored them at first but later i felt pity with them. They told me:"Please..please sister. Hungry..hungry.. Pity us.." with a weak and soft voice.

Actually since last month I was thinking about donating money to the poor and needy. It's not like I;m going to donate RM100 to the poor or give them cheque. I'm not that rich. But the reason why I want to do that is because of my mom's advice. Well, my mom never know about my part time job. But she did told me share what we have to the needy. Learn to give and take. Life need balance. Actually it is true. That what i does until today. Everytime I got money from my sugardaddy, I give some to the needy. Don't be too greedy. I know i'm a call girl, but I still a human being. Maybe some of you judge me as dirty, cheap, slut or whatever. Call me what you want because I deserve it. But still deep in my heart, I have the kindness to the poor and needy.

I gave them RM10 which can buy 3 container of economic meals for them. I felt great today. To be the truth, for those peoples who worked as janitor, labor or halal employment, I salute all of you for having a strong heart to confront all the hardship of life. May God bless all of those peoples.

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